Just wanna make a random post, about myself.
On, how much i changed..?.. LOL
I need to be cooler. And thats my goal :3
Lets start on the time when i JUST started into Jrock, VKei world :3

By that time, I will NEVER edit my pics LOL

Indeed, I will never know how to edit my pics :3
And sooner or later, I loveeeeeee dark colors for my nails (which is so not acceptable for a nurse D:)
I tried some photo editing.
But still, my skills sucks. Alot.

Srsly, but I failed xD for trying being Reita D:

My best try by that time D8
And then, my first time of make up. Altho is only eyeliner, drawn by Ren.
Still, Its a huge start for me.
I tried to take cool angles (which fails lots too. FML)

Eyeliner o_o
At few months ago (cant rmb the exact date/month), I tried on Vkei make ups.
Drawn by my friends tho. Didnt dare to darw by myself.
Imma no confidence of my make up skills. (everyone says that =_=)
But ya,
I wanna to be Vkei.

1st time on Uruha's makeup. Drawn by Ren, touched up by Miyuki.

Drawn by Miyuki.
And thanks for my sister, Everlyn.
She bought me an eyeliner and thats the time I tried make up-ing for myself.
I watched LOTS of Vkei make up tutorial in Youtube,
and tried their skills.
Seriously, Im better in my editing skills by that time.


and I tried more make ups. I need some cool hairstyle.
1st time making up myself for outing one day with my fwends :3
I just need to improve my make-up skills.

In some Puri machine :'D
and I just took this yesterday :)
Just got my haircut done.
I wanna some hairwax and sprays >:) Needa style up myself

and, I bought my new cool bangle :)
Still, I wanna be cool.
Wish me luck.