I DID hate heavy songs last time demo ima
Im just so into their heavy songs!!!
*Head desk HARD*
My sista said that: ya. Natsu has fever. Jrock fever.
and this sentence did makes me proud xD This means that me is ready into MORE JROCKS!!! *puff out chest* Y^Y
LMAO juz ignore me xDD
lets start with UnsraW
GAWD SAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! UnsraW is just like a deep blue sea and ya, Natsu is sinking deep into it *sobs*
Gate of Death. Gah. My favorite song of them TT^TT. Vid added so juz shut up and listen xD
Dust to Dust. Yup, heavy as it can be and its my fav too. So, douzo again xD
9. the song name is '9' and its my very 1st song of them ^^ This song makes me into them. So, Sankyuu xD
next next next xD
SCREW no uta desu yo~ I HATE their songs last time because i did stated just now that i HATE heavy songs xD and most of their songs are heavy.
But, since i had the Jrock spirit now (LOL?),
Gah! SCREW is in my Top 5 list now xD
Raging Blood. *cries alot* WAI? WAI I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!? WAAAAAAAAAAAI?? Gosh, Byou's voice is killing me and ya, he looks like Ruki in 'Filth in the Beauty' in this PV xDD
Vid added. Douzo again xD
Vanquish. hmm I can say that this song brings me into SCREW neh xD Darn love it xD
Yurikago. Not that heavy song neh o.o one of my fav too *hugs SCREW tight* great job nah!!!
Dont look at me like that. Ya, I admit, my genre of songs DID change o.o
any prob?
.... o.o
My sis hates their songs xD So i will just on these when i feeling like wanna annoy her LMFAO